Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Ready, set, go...

Nothing irks me more than somtimes losing my direction, direction in life that is. It seems that sometimes I get caught up in the daily stuff and forget my inner compass. Does that ring a familiar bell?

I find I get behind in my goals and have to scurry to get back on the right track once again. I better get a hold of things quickly. Time to focus on the basics once again and become centered within. I'm really disappointed in me at the moment but I guess that's life. How else could we measure our ups and downs?

Ok, I feel much better now, a load has lifted. Hope it lifted yours. Lets go out and make it a great day. The sun's a shining, the birds are chirping, the air is cool and crisp and there's people to see and help. I'm rip roaring to go...

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