Saturday, December 31, 2005

Tipping over wheelchairs...

It's New Years eve and what's you're M.O., not for tonight but for the new year?

Are you going to make it one of the best years of your life or are you going to take the back seat?

Here's your chance to redeem yourself or pat yourself on the back for a job well done! Nonetheless, we all have our work cut out for us. Which direction you take is entirely up to you. Like they say, "if it is to be, it is up to me".

Personally, I'm going to enrich my life by spending more quality time with my loved ones, increasing my knowledge in my business through advanced education, exercising more intelligently, playing harder, concentrating more on my spiritual growth, and become a better friend to all whom I come in contact.

I'm going for it like there's no tomorrow for who knows how much time one has to accomplish in this lifetime.

Be safe, be good, have fun and be a shining example of a human being...

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Twinkle twinkle little star...

Christmas is here once again and all the shopping, decorations, festivities and frustrations begin again. I know this in not a joyous time for all nor it celebrated by all either. No matter, as this special time holds yet a message common to all.

Like what and who cares? You should but that's not necessarilly a good reason either. For whatever reason, this is a good time to reflect upon where we've been and where we're going and with whom.

It's a time to be with friends and share, put aside squabbles and ill feelings, and be one together. It's like "ah shucks", why not. You know, tomorrow is never promised, yesterday is history and tomorrow is a gift.

Time to uplift and bring everyone with us, tote the line, and lend a helping hand. Never know when you might be on that other end of the line. I say, better be safe and help others so that a little blessings might come our way.

Makes no difference what ethnicity, sex, age, nor disposition. Time to make things better and lend a helping hand, for we definitely lack there. Try it, you'll feel a whole lot better. What do you have to lose except some excess karma?

Have a great and special holiday season...

Monday, December 05, 2005

I knew there was a catch Wilma...

Ever wonder why things are happening, good or bad? Some say it's karma, some say it's bad or good luck.

I truly believe it's all of the above but we do have some say so in the matter. Our destiny is laid out for us, at least somewhat. Otherwise, we might as well just sit back and let what happens occur, right?

We have the ability to alter our destiny as the saying goes, "It's all in your hands". We can do pretty much anything we want but we are going to be held accountable.

So with that in mind, go out and do your thing but be mindful of possible repercussions, good and bad. I do believe that what you reap you sow and things come back one thousand-fold!

Oh my, so much responsibility. I wish I were a little kid again where you just eat, sleep, play and whine. Those were the days my friend.

Make it a great day...

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Who, what, where, when, how...

Why are we here? What function do we serve? Why does misdirection and distraction abound?

Perhaps Thanksgiving is a stop on the road of life, a holiday, or whatever you want to call it. A time to stop to smell the roses and take responsibility for those past deeds. I truly believe it is a time to take stock on what's around the next corner.

Some of us wonder how we even got here period. It's like blinking your eyes and "bingo", it's Thanksgiving once again. What does all this mean? Got me...It's up to you to figure out.

Each of us has an intrinsic reason for being, a task or tasks to perform. Many of us have yet to identify that and others are well on their way. Life is much too short to put off to tomorrow. How do you know if indeed there is a tomorow for you? Why not take the opportunity to do something now?

Ever been to the hospital and visited someone who's life was quickly coming to an end? It is a very humbling experience. If you were in that person's place, what would you do differently in the short time remaining?

This is the mindset that one needs to have now. Not to rush out and throw caution to the wind, but something more reasonable. You know what I mean. We are here on borrowed time so we must make the most of it.

It is during these special holidays that we become somewhat introspective. There is a definite reason. You have something very important to accomplish. Did you know that or do you even care? It's ok if you want to ignore it, that's your choice.

But for those of you who know there's something hanging that needs attention, get to it now. Time waits for no one and those who prosper, take the bull by the horns and say, "Bring it on, now!" I am of the later persuation, how about you?

I challenge you to become the best of the best that you can be. No matter what your background or schooling. In these matters it is not applicable. Your intrinsic self and humanity are what come into play. Your ability to uplift others, to smile in the face of adversity, to go beyond your wildest dreams, are what's paramount here. You won't know that you can do it until you give it a mighty try.

I have confidence in you because I know you can do it and raise yourself to the next level in the process. It is easier than you think. You just have to leave your weaknesses at the door.

Have a terrific journey and I'll see you at the finish...

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Banging one's head against the wall causes one mighty headache...

A well-known speaker started off his seminar by holding up a $20.00 bill. In the room of 200, he asked, "Who would like this $20 bill?" Hands started going up. He said, "I am going to give this $20 to one of you but first, let me do this. He proceeded to crumple up the $20 dollar bill. He then asked, "Who still wants it?" Still the hands were up in the air. Well, he replied, "What if I do this?" And he dropped it on the ground and started to grind it into the floor with his shoe.He picked it up, now crumpled and dirty. "Now, who still wants it?"Still the hands went into the air. My friends, we have all learned a very valuable lesson. No matter what I did to the money, you still wanted it because it did not decrease in value. It was still worth $20. Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled, and ground into the dirt by the decisions we make and the circumstances that come our way. We feel as though we are worthless. But no matter what has happened or what will happen, you will never lose your value. Dirty or clean, crumpled or finely creased, you are still priceless to those who DO LOVE you. The worth of our lives comes not in what we do or who we know, but by WHO WE ARE and WHOSE WE ARE. You are special- Don't EVER forget it." If you do not pass this on, you may never know that it touches, the hurting hearts it speaks to, or the hope that it can bring. Count your blessings, not your problems. And remember: amateurs built the ark .. professionals built the Titanic. If God brings you to it - He will bring you through it.

Pearls of wisdom...from the mind of common everyday man...

Thursday, October 27, 2005

The fog called Life..

I cannot remember... I don't not know when.... I cannot see the forest for the trees.
Is it fantasy or reality? Will I wake up from this dream or is it a dream after all?
Have you ever felt this way before? Do you now?

Life is funny, life is strange.
It is time to rearrange.

Push back all the stuff we fear,
look into that mystic mirror.

Dare we push and plow forthright,
force ourselves with all our might?

Oh what courage it must take,
hope it won't be another mistake.

But forward is the only route,
to gain respect and earn more clout.

The choice is yours to live or regret,
only heartache we forget.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

It's a new day!

It's a special day for me today but that's not the point. The point today is to live and breathe anew. The birds are singing, the sun's a shining and we have loved ones with whom to share our joys and sorrows. It's a day for deep reflection. Why? No particular reason except that tomorrow is never promised.

Yes, something has grabbed me by the collar and given me a smart jerk, nothing serious but has awakened the inner-self. Don't wait until something serious occurs to realign yourself. Live each day like it might well be one of your last. Make a difference in someone's life, put a smile on their face, give them something to feel good. It doesn't take that much effort, really.

Things come back one thousand fold and numerous other blessings tag along too. Like what? That's the kicker! You never really know but ever get the feeling someone's looking out for you in those hairy moments of life? That's the payback!

Tell you what. I'm ready to receive those over and over again. I am a glutton for receiving the pat on the back and the "I got you, don't worry"! So, go out and make someone's day! You'll love the results...

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Wanted: A few good men & women...

It's a new day and things are happening faster than we can comprehend. There is so much craziness about and no one seems to be able to rectify it. Why?

Road rage, gangs, drugs, backstabbing, and corporate dirty deeds abound. What can we do about it? Get involved. Don't turn the other cheek. It's not tattling if it prevent some wrongdoing.

Problem is, too many of us are non-confrontational. You've got to get invovlved if you want change. Standing on the sidelines waiting for others to tote the rope doesn't work. Every persons involvement is necessary to get the job done.

If you won't pitch-in, then get off the boat and we don't want to hear a peep from you. I'm tired of hearing all the #*&@!$ from people and then when asked what are they doing about it, they come up blank. Shame, shame, shame.

It's a two-way street. You take the good with the bad and you do your part and maybe even a little more. You get involved and get your hands a little dirty and make this place a better place cause you don't want to live in the you?

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Flying under the radar...

Have you ever been reclusive or illusive?

Well it's time to come out of your shell. There's a whole new world outside that awaits. The air is fresh and crisp, the birds are a chirpping, and the kids running about with glee.

Your're not a vampire are you? Maybe you are. If that is the case, you are excused from this. For the rest of us, it truly is time to make a move and literally, move on. Time and life is a wasting. Our clock only has so many clicks. When it stops, you nor I know.

This I know for sure. We were put here to accomplish something, each one of us, in our own special way. Yes, each one of us are special, perhaps special cases, but special nonetheless. So, whatever held you back so far, break loose from those shackles and make your entrance, NOW!

Do that which you only dreamed or imagined. It's doable but only by you. You are special, so go forth my brother and sister, time waits for no one...

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Random thoughts on that which could be...

"Ordinary" people doing an "extraordinary" job

To achieve, one must reach beyond ones comfort zone

You can, if you think you can

We are limited only by our inability to visualize the achievement

If it is to be, it is up to me

If you can conceive, you can achieve

Ouside of the box is a beautiful and mysterious world of the unknown

Be afraid, it helps us to grow

The fastest way to go nowhere is to be static

Have a dream, announce it daily, visualize it, taste it; now go about your business

The creative mind awakes when we are at rest

It helps but it doesn't

Friday, July 01, 2005

4th of July, dream or nightmare?

Take a moment to reflect upon what you may have taken for granted. Look around, really look and see with unjaded eyes. What if the things you now enjoy were to vanish into thin air?

You own nothing, you have little food, no money, perhaps no roof over head, no freedom of speech, no fair government, no rights. You have nothing, nothing...Yank! It was only a brain fart, a bad daydream, not really reality, or was it?

Don't think it couldn't happen. Maybe our life as we now know it is really a dream after all and reality is our living nightmare. Hmmmm...Don't forget about the people that have provided us with the gift of freedom and the "good life". It's the birthday of our country! Have a happy and safe 4th!!!

229 Years old, The Fourth of July... And still not forgotten...


Have you ever wondered what happened to the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence? Five signers were captured by the British as traitors, and tortured before they died. Twelve had their homes ransacked and burned. Two lost their sons serving in the Revolutionary Army; another had two sons captured. Nine of the 56 fought and died from wounds or hardships of the Revolutionary War.

They signed and they pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor. What kind of men were they? Twenty-four were lawyers and jurists. Eleven were merchants, nine were farmers and large plantation owners; men of means, well educated, but they signed the Declaration of Independence knowing full well that the penalty would be death if they were captured.

Carter Braxton of Virginia, a wealthy planter and trader, saw his ships swept from the seas by the British Navy. He sold his home and properties topay his debts, and died in rags. Thomas McKeam was so hounded by the British that he was forced to move his family almost constantly. He served in the Congress without pay, and his family was kept in hiding. His possessions were taken from him, and poverty was his reward.

Vandals or soldiers looted the properties of Dillery, Hall, Clymer, Walton, Gwinnett, Heyward, Ruttledge, and Middleton. At the battle of Yorktown, Thomas Nelson, Jr., noted that the British General Cornwallis had taken over the Nelson home for his headquarters. He quietly urged General George Washington to open fire. The home was destroyed, and Nelson died bankrupt.

Francis Lewis had his home and properties destroyed. The enemy jailed his wife, and she died within a few months. John Hart was driven from his wife's bedside as she was dying. Their 13 children fled for their lives. His fields and his gristmill were laid to waste. For more than a year he lived in forests and caves, returning home to find his wife dead and his children vanished.

Some of us take these liberties so much for granted, but we shouldn't. So, take a few minutes while enjoying your 4th of July holiday and silently thank these patriots. It's not much to ask for the price they paid. Remember: Freedom is never free!

Friday, June 17, 2005

We Get No RESPECT...

We get no respect! We're charter members of the "Honey-Do" club. Ok guys, time to rally about. It's the one day of the year dedicated to us a mere 40 years ago, yet it will probably be treated as just another day. Even though President Johnson put us on the calendar, it just seems to slip by unnoticed. Why is that? Could it be that we're just not that important as Mom's or is it just that we don't really care either way? Hummmmm, let me think. Naw, I know we're very important. We bring home the bacon and the bread. Oh yeah, we get our reward in the bed. I know. We do all the chores around the house. Oh yeah, the boss lets us golf and watch TV. We fix things. Oops, I forgot. We probably broke it in the first place trying to force things. Let me think. What else do we do? We let them go shopping and we get to stay home and watch TV, "push". Ok, guess we're not that special after all. Ah, but then I remember our little girls telling us how much they love us, giving us those nice little hugs and kisses, snuggling up to us on the couch, bringing us our slippers, telling us how they will always be there to take care of us when we grow old. "They walk us to the door in the morning to kiss us good-by and greet us at the door when we come home and ask us about our day and how much they missed us. Hey , isn't that what our wives are suppose to do? Maybe there's more to the statement from our daughters that they want to marry us when they grow up! Our sons...those guys are guys. They don't even give us another thought on Father's day. I don't know about you but I'm depressed. Time to go out and do something fun. What do you say about us all meeting up somewhere and comiserate? Sorry, got to go. The little women is calling...Have a great day this Sunday! Do something fun...

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

A cheer to "Fathers" everywhere...

"Tribute to a father"

When I was:

Four years old: My Daddy can do anything.

Five years old: My Daddy knows a whole lot.

Six years old: My Dad is smarter than your dad.

Eight years old: My Dad doesn't know exactly everything.

Ten years old: In the olden days, when my Dad grew up, things were sure different.

Twelve years old: Oh, well, naturally, Dad doesn't know anything about that. He is too old to remember his childhood.

Fourteen years old: Don't pay any attention to my dad. He is so old-fashioned.

Twenty-one years old: Him? My Lord, he's hopelessly out of date.

Twenty-five years old: Dad knows about it, but then he should, because he has been around so long.

Thirty years old: Maybe we should ask Dad what he thinks. After all, he's had a lot of experience.

Thirty-five years old: I'm not doing a single thing until I talk to Dad.

Forty years old: I wonder how Dad would have handled it. He was so wise.

Fifty years old: I'd give anything if Dad were here now so I could talk this over with him. Too bad I didn't appreciate how smart he was. I could have learned a lot from him.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

"Memorial Day", the story behind the story...

Once again, Memorial Day is upon us and should be foremost on our minds. I feel it's a privilege and an honor to live in the land of the free and I honor those who have made this possible. "Love this country or leave it". But, do you know the history behind this special day?

The rememberance of this day stretches back to the Civil War, to honor those who died in the service of their country.

It was originally called "Decoration Day", for it was a day set aside to honor the nation's Civil War dead by decorating their graves.

In 1966, the Federal government, under the direction ofPresident Lyndon Johnson declared Waterloo, NY, the official birthplace of Memorial Day. They chose Waterloo because on May 5, 1866, the town made Memorial Day an annual community-wide event during which
businesses closed and the residents would decorate the graves of the soldiers with flowers and flags.

Today, Memorial Day is celebrated at Arlington National Cemetery in which a small American flag is placed upon each grave. Also, it is customary for the president or vice-president to give a speech honoring the contributions of the dead and lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

That is why it is so special to America's families and those individuals who contributed above and beyond the call of duty.

Now you know the real story...

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Hello, anyone in blogland awake out there?...

Sometimes I wonder if I'm read,
comments show you're all in bed

Better to be read and not comment,
otherwise you one might commit in cement

Words are sometimes hard to take,
the lessons tough although we make

It's too easy to give advice,
wisdom abounds like grains of rice

It's not me that speaks this truth,
if you knew me that be proof

Wisdom comes from everywhere,
it's for all of us to share

Like a radio tuning in,
it's part of all, it's within

Give it a try if you dare,
life's more of a real scare

Get advice on important matters,
move up on the universe's ladder

Time to go and move about,
wisdom gives us all that clout...

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

No nonesense meditation...

As I sit upon my chair,
meditationing everywhere

Got to see what's up today,
channeling in good stuff before we play

Lots of karma everywhere,
good and bad, you know it's fair

Wisdom in it's truthest state,
determines the outcome of our fate

Yes it's up to you and me,
results be daunting but it's free

So put your head on nice and straight,
your fate appears upon your plate, of life that is...

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Happiness is just a smile away...

Hey, got a beef about something? Got a chip on your shoulder. Got revenge and nastiness on your mind? Call Roto Rooter right away and way go troubles down the drain!

Really, life is too short to go around with a chip on your shoulder. Yeah, cuss at me , well, people like me, but you know the lowdown truth. It just ain't really worth it. You just need to step back, take a deep breath and let out a great big laugh at yourself and the situation.

It just isn't worth all the grief. Did you know that it's all that "STRESS AND AGGRAVATION" is what's causing all your ailments. Yes, it can be self-inflicted and it can be self-treated. Give it a try.

The more you smile, the more happy you will be, the less grief will befall you and the more open you will be to all the good stuff out there that you are inadvertently missing.

A smile a day keeps the bad stuff away!!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Dreams can come true...

I have a dream... A dream where mankind meshes together as a whole. A union of the minds, where ego has no place. Where prejudices is not commonplace. Where love for fellowman is the norm.

Truly a dream, but in reality, when could this happen? Unfortuneately not until we are faced with extreme adversity and threat to our existence, as we know it today. Why is this? Because it is karma, past and present.

We as a people, are not ready to put things aside and move forward in unity and purpose. Too many agendas. Sad but true. Only in a dream but one that could come to fruition in the not to distant future. When exactly depends on us.

It is up to each and everyone of us as individuals to do our part. It will catch on, momentum. Once the ball gets rolling, it will gather moss. Only in the movies do we get a glimpse. But if the mind can conceive it, it can achieve it. Wouldn't it be grand? If only a minority would not venture for selfishness, it could become reality.

For if we do not change, and change soon, we could very well rip the fabric of oneness that binds us together as a being. Perhaps we can achieve this in our dreams and then bring forth from there, I don't know but it has to happen soon. Just look around at what we've done to mess things up. Really, what ashame.

The mission, if you decide to accept it, is up to you and the ramifications are extrordinary!!! Go forth...

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Children are the prophets of Nirvana...

Looking through the eyes of youth, paints an interesting canvas of life. It is so simple, unclutered, colorful and fresh.

Not a hint of prejudice nor corwardness. Straight forward honesty and insight. No ulterior motive nor propaganda. No worries to be found. Naive innocense. A gleeful, loving and caring energy eminating from within.

A pure propagating energy, illuminating from within and bursting outward, for the good of all mankind. Now that's some feat.

Wouldn't that be a nice platform for adults to operate? Is it possible or is it a dream? It is possible but difficult to summon. Only a few have found that Nirvana but those who have are in another league indeed.

I want to be there too! I am working on it and you can too. There's more than enought room. The thing is, we must endeavour to complete this task for the good of mankind, period! I'm not kidding and if you don't realize this, you are walking through life with blinders, no if's and's nor buts.

The mission is yours if you decide to accept it. No one will punish you for failure, except YOU!

Sunday, March 27, 2005

The Easter Bunny delivers his eggs...

Well, it is Easter today! So what might you be doing that isn't necessarilly following the crowd? Today could be thought of in a totally different religious perspective. Today's backdrop of the new moon ushers in a season of new growth, be it business, personal achievements, or even a different outlook on the world in general. Heavens only knows that it's time for change and perhaps a fresh perspective on life in genreal. If today were to be your last hurrah, what would you do to make sure that you left your postive mark, make things right that have been unfinished till now or maybe even attempt the previously absurd impossibility? All of a sudden the extraordinary seems quite reachable and an afterthought. Why not try to make inroads as your inner chi rises up to lift you to new heights and the horizon of unattainable becomes, "I can do it now if I so desire"! That wasn't the Easter Bunny whispering in your ear. That was your inner-self giving you encouragement to surpass that which you only think about in your dreams. That egg he delivers to each and everyone of us is a flower, you, whose petals open up to the sky to receive the wisdom, strength and gusto to reach farther than you had ever done in the past. Your ascension into the lofty heights, is fueled by the willpower of your inner self, to develop into your higher self that dwells within all of us. I knew the Easter Bunny had something in mind for we adult children. Why should all the little kids have all the fun? Aren't we all little kids inside of our wrinkled, life-stepped-on exteriors? So, make it a great day for the rest of your life. Happy Easter!

Thursday, March 17, 2005

A shamrock's awaiting you...

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

The "luck of the Irish" shines upon you this fine day. Be you nice, mean or nondescript, it does not matter. What matters is what you do with this gift. Share it, keep it to yourself or give it back to the universe. The choice is yours and yours alone.

If only for today, it is your time to reach out and touch someone, in a positve way of course. It is important to be careful what you sow as it will come back to you one thousandfold.

So pick yourself up by the collar and give yourself a kick in the butt and get out there, if only for today. Today is your time. For yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift...

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Lend a hand, please...

As I sit here and meditate,
about the life I appreciate

I look about seeing sadness about,
does no one around carry any clout?

Can't someone carry and pick up the slack,
carry the load of the world on their back?

Am I asking too much of the ordinary man,
is it intruding upon his proprietary plan?

Come on lets dance and clean this stuff up,
get rid of the fluff before we're corrupt

Look to the horizon, it's much closer than you think,
we're almost in Heaven, we're right at the brink...

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Just one last precious day...

I just got the news today. Doctor says my illness has taken a very serious turn, and tomorrow may never come and suggested that I get my affairs in order, now.

All of a sudden things come into focus. I have strained relationships with my family in which I need to correct or leave the wounds open on both sides. I haven't even told my significant other how much I love and appreciate her because I 've been so busy. I haven't stopped long enough to smell the roses. I've even neglected helping others when I could have quite easily.

That favorite hot dog I used to eat once a week sounds even more delicious now that I may never have one again. I haven't even taken the time to take that nice selcuded nature walk in the beautiful outdoors nor seen the sunset over the horizon.

That sweet little child I see outside every morning who's hello I've ignored, sounds so selfish now. Actually in retrospect, I see that my whole life has been pretty selfish in all honesty. I've done little to improve myself and the environment in which I live. I am devoid of most human accomplishments and anything of which to be proud. I've wasted my time here and the truth is now staring me straight in the face.

So little time and so much to correct but you know what, it do or die, literally. But I decide to do it now. It took all this to bring me upright and face the harsh realities of my life.

It's only upon this revelation of time that I awaken and discover it was all a dream, or was it. Perhaps it is a second chance to right the wrongs and become a human being with feeling s and awareness of fellowman. Without a doubt, life begins anew today, right now as I start the next day of the rest of my life...

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Does your plane fly lower?

Far far too often, people make the simple complex, and speak in terms that only serve their own egos. Sex, power, and money, the root of it all. It's like getting ass...Either you're kissing it, covering it or trying to get some. Now isn't that the truth?

Lets stop playing the games. Speak your mind and be up front with it. Stop the beating around the bush and get to it, directly. It would be so much simpler knowing where people stand instead of guessing.

So lets turn over a new leaf and move forward...

Monday, February 28, 2005

Did you buy a ticket?...

The ship "Abundance", has docked. I asked and asked when it would come ahore and finally, lost is found! How wonderful. You keep asking/praying and eventually, it happens.

Just like the sun, peaking throught he rainclouds, it raining abundance. Your dreams can also come to fruition if you just persist and never give up. Just when all hope seems lost, just around the bend, it is in plain sight. Keep on keeping on...

I now turn my attention to the universe in helping others and assisting them more, in their quests.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

The universe hears your cry for help...

You've admitted the problem to yourself by voicing it, asked for help, and now the answer comes back to you, to interpret and put into play, but the last part is the hardest. Sometimes it's not what you wanted to hear but nonetheless, it is the answer.

The answer always comes back but we sometimes just ignore it. The answer is the hardest part to stomach. Why? Because it's not necessarilly what we wanted to hear but what one needs to do to rectify the situation.

Step back and view it for what it says and it may make a whole lot more sense after all. Everything we put out comes back to us, good and bad, the Law of Karma. It's sorting it out that's the toughest part. The universe does take care of us though, you can believe in that.

Monday, February 14, 2005

Happy Valentine's Day!

Don't forget that special someone, even if they're not special. People like to be acknowledged and appreciated. What better time and reason to make it happen today.

We don't have enough love in the world today. Love, even in a brotherly way. Let's take a break and give someone the biggest break of their day. Make someone smile and feel that warmth inside, if for even a moment.

Saturday, February 12, 2005

World according to golf...

Golf is not only a game, it is life, expressed as the game of golf. Think about it. 18 holes represent 18 phases in ones life. You can approach the hole in many ways, straighthead or in a circuitous manner.

There are many hazards on the way and weather conditions(distractions) that can also affect the game. Your mental mindset also plays an important part. Do you curse each mistake(frustrations in daily life), throw your clubs when life throws you a curve, have a faulty golfswing(chip on your shoulder), forget to yell "fore" when your ball goes astray(communicate), etc.

The parallels are endless. Life is not measured in how many breaths one takes but rather the moments that takes ones breath away...

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Can you lend a smile?

Yesteday is history. Today is a mystery and tomorrow is a gift.

Question is "What are you doing to make yourself a better you?" It is entirely in your hands. You take all the responsibility for your mistakes as you also receive all the credit for your accomplishments!

It's so easy to extend yourself to others. Open the door for that person in need, say thank you instead of a blank stare, compliment someone for a job well done, make someone smile. That's food for the soul and a heck of an uplift cause who know what the person could be experiencing that day.

You can never go back to yesterday. Take the effort to improve someones life today. It isn't hard, it doesn't cost money, and you'll feel so good too! Some day, you'll need that pat on the back, that encouragement to carry through the day, you can bet on that. It's the Law of Karma.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Chinese New Year - 4703

Gung Hay Fat Choy! Happy Chinese New Year, 4703, "Year of the Rooster" February 9!

This is another metal year as was the year of the Monkey and last year. This means 2005 is a continuation of the previous metal cycle.

The major elements for the Rooster are Wood and Metal. According to the Five Element Relationship, we know there is a conflict between Wood and Metal. So the disputes and arguments are there for many people in 2005. Actually, the most conflicts came from the events in 2004. Any unfinished business in 2004 will continue to occur in 2005.

Most people should have about the same luck in 2005 as in 2004.

The Rooster is a romantic star in Chinese Astrology so people born in the years of the Rat, Dragon and Monkey will desire the love from the opposite sex. People born in the years of the Rabbit and Horse have more opportunity to meet and close the opposite sex, too.

Question is, "What will you do with the New Year?" You don't have to be Chinese to participate, you do by default!

Our destiny is not completely laid out for us. It is up to us to mold and fold. We are in control. There are certain things one can do to alter things. Are you savy enough to figure that one out? Give it a try for you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Surprises are abundant.

Remember to wear "red" which is festive color of the celebration. Sing out the "Gung Hay Fat Choy". You will really blow others away, especially if you are not Asian. Hey, what the heck, we're all part of the vast melting pot, like it or not.

Have a great year and remember ten little words, "If it is to be, it is up to me".


Friday, January 28, 2005

Happy Birthday Sifu

2005 Happy Birthday to SIFU!

Welcome everybody to Sifu’s 35th birthday!

It hardly seems like 12 months since we last celebrated Sifu’s birthday but alas, time does pass very quickly.

Tonight is Sifu’s special day, and it also ushers in the beginning, of the not too distant, Chinese New Year, the Year of the Rooster, 4702! A year that promises about the same luck as in 2004. The rooster, a romantic star in Chinese astrology, promises very favorable unions for those of you who are interested.

But I am getting ahead of myself here. This past year has left its mark upon us in many ways and has taught us valuable lessons, some good and some not so good. It is indeed up to us to learn and take ourselves to another level.

As mature individuals, we can no longer put off todays, for tomorrow.
Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

We have gathered here for many years, seen our children grow into young adulthood, watch each other age gracefully and abundantly and grey a wee bit, and maybe even traveled down the road of life in a circuitous manner.

But guess what? We are truly blessed. For all those misfortunes we have experienced, there were many doors and opportunities that had opened for us. Question is, did you know it or did you see it? Did you take advantage of it? If not, ask yourself why not?

Too many of us have untapped potential and abilities that have laid dormant. This is the year when we do something about it. Birthdays are not for looking back but rather looking forward and leaping into the future with determination and gusto. A realization that there is so much ahead and a limited time in which to execute.

We take this celebration for Sifu to not only honor him but to honor ourselves. To take those pearls of wisdom, those lessons of life that he has bestowed upon us, to plant our own seeds in life. So that those special people with whom we contact, receive a measure of that which we nutured through blood, sweat and tears.

Just like Sifu had repeatedly said before, “I go through all the hard parts so that you can reap the benefits of the 15+ years you would need on our own”. He has said so much to influence our lives without saying it directly. And it’s only now that some of us have really heard the message. It unfolds slowly, but once the water flows, it flows freely and swiftly.

We honor you Sifu for that which you have taught us and that which you have yet to teach us. We, your humble students, thank you and honor you on your special day…

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

The Yellowbrick Road is sometimes under repair...

Life can be a series of ups and downs,
but try not to participate by wearing a frown
There will be times when breathing gets tough,
getting through life in a series of huffs
But it's not necessary for you to participate,
plan your strategy so you can anticipate
We've all lost someone who was special to us,
no need to cry, stammer and start to cuss
Just pick up yourself with a kick in the rear,
You'll conquer your worst enemy, something called fear
Fear of the unknown, fear of what's ahead,
uncomfortably heavy, keeping you in bed
You got to get up and move ahead,
gather your bearings and lightly tread
Down life's road all covered with stone,
a journey one makes not necessarilly alone
For life's too short to go it alone,
if you do you'll soon bemoan
Side by side we travel as one,
life's spinningwheel, what gold it's spun
Look for the best in all that you see,
your heart will be filled with heavenly glee...

Lifeline to Nirvana

Meditation...a divine process that enables one to delve into the mysteries of the universe and obtain answers to the esoteric.

Not something hokey, religious, nor weird. Just plain connecting to the cosmos.

All it take is introspective unity connecting with the universal energies. The hard part is opening oneself to the message. Sometime we do not see the trees in the forest.

We all have this innate ability, it just has to be awakened.

Monday, January 24, 2005

Reach out and touch

With all the hoopla going on these days, it is sometimes hard to focus on what's really important in our daily lives, our immediate family.

They are the most important facet of our lives, know it or not. We draw upon them for strength and direction. If you do not, perhaps you need to ask yourelf why not.

I realize that not everyone has a family but remember this. A family is any unit that provides you the security and aura of belonging. It could even be a friend.

Smile, and lend a helping hand. You never know what that other person may have experienced, good or bad. A little kindness goes a long long way. When the last time that someone gave you a nic epat on the back for some unmnown reason and that gave you that boost and belief that, "hey, life's not all that bad!"

Remember, you reap exactly what you sow. If you want to win the lottery, you have to buy a ticket.