Saturday, November 25, 2006

Good stuff's like a boomarang...

Guess what just past? Thanksgiving, of course. Some wonder why all the fuss? Others know the truth, their truth.

It's a time to give thanks to those who have helped us, even if we were completely unaware. Perhaps when something great happens to us, it may be in part due to another's help. Thanks to whomever you are for you help and understanding.

On the other side of the coin, what did you do to help someone? It could have been a smile, a compliment, a nod or even lending an ear even though you may not have said a thing. It's so nice when someone smiles back at you, acknowledges you, or says something that just makes your day. You can do that for them too. Just try it.

It doesn't hurt and it comes back when you need it most. Believe me. Love to all. Heaven knows we need it...

Thursday, November 02, 2006

I just don't know "WHY"?

Sometimes I wonder how come and why? I'm doing all the right things, I think. What else can I do? Did I step on someones butterfly, cut in front of someone, not yeilded when I should have? What what what?

I tell you, I'm scratching my head for answers and then it dawns on me.

I'm probably being tested. I'm just that one millimeter away from "yes". I need to just keep on keeping on a little longer and I will have success, right? I surely hope so.

I am an optimist so I must stay within character. Time will tell but I'm sure it will turn out "fantastic", as expected. If not, I'll erase this entry.

Have a fantastic day!