Thursday, August 25, 2005

Wanted: A few good men & women...

It's a new day and things are happening faster than we can comprehend. There is so much craziness about and no one seems to be able to rectify it. Why?

Road rage, gangs, drugs, backstabbing, and corporate dirty deeds abound. What can we do about it? Get involved. Don't turn the other cheek. It's not tattling if it prevent some wrongdoing.

Problem is, too many of us are non-confrontational. You've got to get invovlved if you want change. Standing on the sidelines waiting for others to tote the rope doesn't work. Every persons involvement is necessary to get the job done.

If you won't pitch-in, then get off the boat and we don't want to hear a peep from you. I'm tired of hearing all the #*&@!$ from people and then when asked what are they doing about it, they come up blank. Shame, shame, shame.

It's a two-way street. You take the good with the bad and you do your part and maybe even a little more. You get involved and get your hands a little dirty and make this place a better place cause you don't want to live in the you?