Saturday, April 21, 2007

Another ah ha...

You know what! It's all about you...

You are the center and everything revolves around you. Did you know that?

That's some reasponsibilty. Question is, "How so you keep everything balanced and rotating"? The $25,000 question.

Yes, you are in control and ulitmately responsible for everything. Kinda like being God. Yikes! What to do and how and when?

I don't have the particular answer for you but I don know the answer. You perform everything for the highest good of mankind. You cannot make decisions for others. You can only give them the options.

You can put out the positive mantras though. Think only the positive stuff and what you expect and it will happen. Believe me, it will happen but you must do your part.

Your mission, whether you accept it or not, has already been put into play so hurry up and make your conscious efforts. Time is a wasting...

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Ah I get it!

Anything you wish is at your command. Really. You just have to believe that it will come true. Any negative thought will erase it. I know. It happens to me.

The mind is such a powerful force. You really don't realize its strength until called upon under the particular circumstances. Try it. You'll be amazed.

Isn't there something that you desire above all else? Then give it a try and let me know...