Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Time, a fleeting moment to visit...

Can one travel through time, both backwards and forward?

Yes indeed, but one important caveat. A skeptical mindset will vanish all possiblity. Some things are not meant to be analyzed under the microscope.

One must just utilize this tool and yet not be attached to it's wonder nor possible monetary opportunities. Spiritual things, if indeed this falls within that catagory, are a different animal.

For travel is for healing of the mind of it's wounds, closure, and the tip of the iceberg of other unmentioned possibilities. The breath is infinite. The wonder of it all amazes one to no end.

Just think, the ability to settle wrongs, help others, gain insite, improve one's life and meaning to life. You name it, it's there.

Now the question is how to do this. Well my friend, you'll have to tune in for futher revelations as I must leave you now...